22 May 2011

Ethical implications of charitable giving by Slavoj Zizek 《慈善的伦理问题》斯拉沃熱·齊澤克

First as Tragedy, Then as Farce-《先是悲劇,然後變成鬧劇》中文字幕版

This is a talk by Slavoj Žižek, one of the worlds most influential living philosophers, visits the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) to investigates the surprising ethical implications of charitable giving. It is animate for interesting and easy understanding.

Wiki page for Slavoj Žižek

这是当代哲学家斯拉沃熱·齊澤克在英国皇家艺术、制造和商业促进学会(RSA)的一场演讲,探讨慈善的伦理问题。RSA加入动画,使到这演讲比较“平易近人“。本片中文字幕由『 齊澤克學會 』翻譯,陳顯龍、唐健譯、方川明後期製作,


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