To Mr. Khaw Boon Wan, What did you expect?
(This is in reply to National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan of Singapore on his comments made on our country )
Dear Mr. Khaw,
I was not surprised when you said Bhutan is not the last Shangri-la on Earth, because I had a friend from your country who found Bhutan only "full of mountains and valleys". When you visited Bhutan, what did you expect? Those flying mountains you saw in Avatar? or Every Bhutanese merrily dancing in designer clothes? Well, you must have at least expected fancier cars and taller buildings but we only have taller mountains (not flying ones) and thicker forest (truly natural).
I am not surprised even when you said "Most of the time, I saw unhappy people, toiling in the field, worried about the next harvest and whether there would be buyers for their products." because I heard a proverb in school that goes, "Two men looked through the prison window, one saw the mud and other saw the horizon". I am only surprised that you have spend "Most of your time" in Bhutan looking in the fields. I am amazed at your ability to figure out whether the people are happy or unhappy just by looking at them- O' you even knew they were "worried about the next harvest". No wonder you country export human resources.
I visited your wonderful country sometime ago, and it felt like a city from the future. The transportation system held me spell bound, Cleanliness of the street is so much that I didn't find a fragment of dust on my shoes after walking for the hours, Every building and car looks new, and there is no question about the civic sense among the people. Four days after I landed in Bhutan I woke up and started sharing the stories of your wonderful country- yes it took me four days of sleeping to shake of the hangover of many sleepless nights in your 24X7 country. I read the amazing history of your country and thought to myself, if Bhutan's to develop, Singapore can be our vision.
But since you questioned the presence of happiness in Bhutan, let me answer by telling you few things that you overlooked when you visited my country. Those people you saw in the fields weren't unhappy, if you have gone closer you would have heard them singing and enjoying the social lives, perhaps you won't understand that. If you have spent a little longer time watching them, you would have seen and a woman with basket on her back and holding arms with several children coming with steaming food- we don't have McDonald or KFC. Then everybody will sit down to eat their lunch, laughing and joking, feeding babies, for over an hour- you wouldn't have had so much time to sit and watch I know, times means money in your country. But we have luxury of time. People don't worry "about the next harvest and whether there would be buyers for their products." In fact, we don't do much commercial farming, we do most of them to keep with the tradition. And when the sun sets, doesn't really matter what time, people leave for their homes where they have a large family waiting. Large family because we don't chase away our children when they become 18 or children cast away their parents when they age.
We don't need Health Insurance to survive, no have to go for Education Loan for educating our children. We don't hang the drug users, we counsel them to hang on to their lives, we don't have to have a job to survive, and when we fall sick even the furthest cousin comes to attend without having to update Facebook status.
If you reread our history you will find that our wise kings have hidden us from the outside world so that we could remain the way we are today. If we start mining our mountains and lumbering our forests, we can become Singapore in a year but no matter what you do you can never become Bhutan. It is far too difficult. We shall be the last breath of oxygen on earth.
Bhutan may not be the Last Shangri-la but we are happy.
By PaSsu at 1:01 AM
ReplyDelete不丹政府在制定一系列如农业、交通及外贸在内的国家政策时,都不能以经济为出发点,必须以“幸福及快乐”作为根本出发点。(Getty Images)
文 ◎ 杨仁寿
9月下旬,不丹首相廷里(Jigmi Thinley)在纽约召开的联合国千禧年发展目标峰会上发表了讲话,并受到了与会者的欢迎,从中我们不难找寻到不丹人幸福的原因。
虽然廷里的建议能否为其他国家采纳还是个未知数,但小小的不丹取得的成绩却是有目共睹的。而不丹之所以能取得如此了不起的成就,恰恰是因为一直以来,不丹政府把“国民幸福指数”作为追求的目标。该目标是不丹已故高僧旺秋(Jigme Singje Wangchuk)于1980年提出的。
由于不丹政府的价值观定位在维系自身的传统文化和自然环境上,因此对国内丰富的森林资源、矿产业、水利资源的开发并不积极。这个国土面积74%为森林所覆盖的国家,竟然有26%的地区被划定为保护地。而1995年,不丹国民议会还规定,不丹森林覆盖率至少应保留到 60%。不丹也没有滥伐现象,而是适度科学合理开发。山民砍一株树需要特别许可,国有林区伐木必须经过严格审批。而且,任何一项新的工业、一个新的农业市场或是一种新的森林产品的产生,都必须考虑它们对环境所带来的深层次影响。