02 December 2007

Jia Han's Site & Bernard's Home - Religion vs Education

IMHO, avioding duality is an important issue in buddhism.

jus like the dharma. it is only like a vehicle. after we use the vehicle to cross the river, we hav to leave it by the river bank. if not, the vehicle will make use cumblesom. if so, how could u say dharma (this vehicle) is a perfect system. we should say that it is good when u r in a certain situation. i think buddhim is also the same. it is good but it is not perfert in any situation. (i din say it is not perfect. i m saying it is not perfect in all situation. saying perfect or inperfect is actaully make urself in the the dulity of this world, n it also simplify the complexity of the world.)

IMHO, avioding duality is an important issue in buddhism.

法就像舟,過河即棄,在陸地上舟會成為我們的累贅。我們不能說法是處處圓滿的,但是法用得恰當就好。 佛教亦是如是,佛教用在恰當處就好,佛教不可能處處圓滿的。 (我沒有說不圓滿,我是說不是處處圓滿)。說圓滿不圓滿便墮入二元對立之爭,也不符合世間的複雜與多元性。
