20 July 2009

Talk by Theo Jansen: The art of creating creatures 講座:創造生物的藝術

Dutch artist Theo Jansen has been working for 16 years to create sculptures that move on their own in eerily lifelike ways. Each generation of his "Strandbeests" is subject to the forces of evolution, with successful forms moving forward into new designs. Jansen's vision and long-term commitment to his wooden menagerie is as fascinating to observe as the beasts themselves.

His newest creatures walk without assistance on the beaches of Holland, powered by wind, captured by gossamer wings that flap and pump air into old lemonade bottles that in turn power the creatures' many plastic spindly legs. The walking sculptures look alive as they move, each leg articulating in such a way that the body is steady and level. They even incorporate primitive logic gates that are used to reverse the machine’s direction if it senses dangerous water or loose sand where it might get stuck.

"A self-styled god, Jansen is evolving an entirely new line of animals: immense multi-legged walking critters designed to roam the Dutch coastline, feeding on gusts of wind."
Wired News

abstracted from www.TED.com

Theo Jansen荷蘭動力藝術家(Kinetic Artist)已經花了十六年的時間創造了類似早期生物型態能自發活動的藝術品。這藝術品能夠在沒有協助的情況下在沙灘上靠風力走動。它利用輕薄翅膀的拍打把風輸入寶特瓶,並且將能源轉化成它細長塑膠腳行走的動力。

個人網站 Website
紀錄片 Documenatry
維基百科 Wikipedia

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