在頌缽后我告訴MH和HY在又回到母娘的懷抱,他們應該不知道這是什麼意思。我的意思是說,我又再一次從意識放開我的身體,讓身體自由移動。過去三個星期的活動,從曼陀羅,到太極導引,到類似葛羅托斯基的身體工作。我知道對於我來說,太多的暗示語和指導語,這些訊息量對於我都是太多。太多的期待與想像,對於我都太多了。我個人需要的「削減」(via negative),減少減少再減少。讓意識退場,讓身體自由。尤其是對照老師在宗教轉化課對於身體性提出的論點,更使到我對於身體的無意識的狀態感到肯定。
作詞:三毛 / 作曲:李泰祥/ 原唱:齊豫
不要問我從哪裡來 我的故鄉在遠方
為什麼流浪 流浪遠方 流浪
為了天空飛翔的小鳥 為了山間輕流的小溪
還有還有 為了夢中的橄欖樹橄欖樹
不要問我從哪裡來 我的故鄉在遠方
為什麼流浪 為什麼流浪 遠方
為了我 夢中的橄欖樹
我几次试着接受孙燕姿的版本,但还是喜欢齐豫的。但不会排斥孙燕姿新式的。 不同心情听不同版本会较轻松。
ReplyDelete谢谢。之前有听过。 不是佛教,不是天主教; 但没有排斥。这个youtube clip不能启动。
ReplyDeleteI think shouldn't be your uploading problem. It's due to my firefox or IE problem. I will use different way to view :) This is not the first time though.
ReplyDeleteHow's your research in music affection on patient? Any constructive discoveries so far? I'm curious especially your exploration in Chinese music and songs, which is different from my previous 'don't know how' as we as a student has to adapt to their cultural background, which is not part of our root (although our 'root' isn't that clear though..haha).
ReplyDeletehaha... we r not focusing on Chinese music actually. We just using singing bowl as i always mentioned in my blog. Those video i attached and comment i made here is jus my interest.
ReplyDeleteMy professoe's research focusing more on how to care a patient using varies ways. I think mine will be focusing on volunteer and not necessary related to the singing bowl.
So far prof think that when we play the singing bowl, we actually create a dimension that is between the singing bowl player n the listener. The affection of the sound is happening in this dimension. He is still discovering how this dimension works. It is not a music or physics kind of subject but more like philo-psychology (哲學心理學).
Taking care of patient using music is a very popular type of research and always have the room for improvement.
ReplyDeleteYes, you always mentioned about the singing bowl. I have never seen it personally although you've introduced to us in Multiply before by directing us to view some video clips. Yes, it's not about the bowl itself, I think it's more like a medium between the player and the listener. The medium itself creating sound, and the 'one way street' from the player if he/she is able to inject 'spices' into its sound creation, and then transferring to the listener, then what is accepting by the listener will not be only the sound itself. Sound can be seen as 'rhyme' or 'pollution', it's still depend on how the player creates it. By imagining a scene of having a singing bowl, a player and a patient or patients, I can feel that good sound is created through the heart of a player, then through the medium(air), by 'injecting' various rhythmic, patterns, beats, hitting and etc and being transformed into another kind of satisfaction to the listener(patient). Hmm, but I think 'one way street' isn't the ultimate goal right? Things have to be restructured through the response or feedback that the player receive from the listener through observation and feeling..
hehehehe...I'm dreaming again :)
i don think the plain sound of singing bowl is considered as music cos it does not hav melody. but i think singing bowl may be seen as percussion. i think it is still more basic then music. also we do not hav fanciful beats when playing the bowl so far. we hav tried some these few weeks n r still observing. see the blog below for my other comment.,
i think u r quite clear wat we r doing. thanks for ur feedback n observation. tts wat i need. keep commenting if u hav any.
btw, i will rather use the word "dimesion" then "medium".
I think I'm not clear with what you all doing. I just say how I feel nia.
ReplyDeletePercussion doesn't have tune; somehow I consider it as 'music' if you create rhythmic patterns using musical percussion where melody is finally created.
Hmm..in my mind, 'dimension' is a kind of wider coverage, which is the effect of sound creation through the hitting of the bowl, through to the recipient; whereas medium is the 'thing', the 'bowl' thing act as a medium, producing sound and finally transmit and cover the whole 'dimension'. Yea, I did mention 'medium' twice in different situation. Sorry for that confusion.
I think what I am thinking is kind of fancy stuff cos all the while I only tried to 'transmit' happy fancy 'hottest' music to students and kids. I never try in your situation, which is kind of therapeutic.
i should say u hav a same "track" as us knowing where we r going. Is this better? hehehe...
ReplyDeleteas for the medium n dimension, i think we r focusing more on the latter.
my my opinion transmiting happy fancy 'hottest' music is important too. cheers...
ReplyDelete為慶祝佛陀降生慈悲度化眾生,及紀念香港實施佛誕公眾假期十週年 ,特以喜悅、輕快旋律,譜入佛法精義,展現佛教音樂另一風格。
ReplyDelete轉載自Beng Lim's Site
Heart Sutra by Eason Chen
ReplyDelete法门梵音:佛指舍利安奉大典印象 --- 王菲 心经 完整版