Lyrics below:-
It don't matter if you tick yes, or choose hell no (no, no..)
Just lock in your vote
'cos you can choose your way, people
My parents told me when I was young
Study, work hard, a-nd stay employed
Talked politics in na-i-ve-ty
They rolled their eyes and to me said
"There is no point in voting an-y-way
Same result, it wouldn't change a thing
So put your head down and keep working hard
we know best how you should SING"
"Don't vote for the oth-er side,
'cos you know that we're right
Stay on the right path baby
Live the same every day
Choose wrongly, and you'll regret
And if you're sad, just abstain
Stay on the right path baby
Let's live on with no change"
Isn't there another way?
Can't believe this is my fate
Tell me that it's not too late
Positives and negatives
What is my alternative?
Don't know what to say, so
I go on ho-li-day!
There's GST, and ERP
And COE, and LRT
Then HDB, every GE
'Vote me! Vote me! Vote me!...'
Pause for a moment
Just simply feel
What this nation means to you
Really search, deeply within your heart
All the things that you hold true
Please don't make me wrong, when I say No
I'm being true to-o my beliefs
I love my family and my country
A no to you's a Yes for me
"See there ain't no oth-er side,
I need both hands, left and right
No need to prove or fight
I have seen the light
It wouldn't hurt either way
Only lo-sers abstain
I have found my voice, and
I have made my choice"
Surely there's another way
Do something to change my fate
Certainly it's not too late
Forget all the pros and cons
None of these I can count on
Don't care what they say,
I can vote my way!
(complain, explain, complain, explain...)
Don't just explain, get on the train
See for yourself, the nation's pain
Whether you're white, yellow or blue
I darn sure hope you've got a clue
Don't just complain, it's such a strain
Your life is yours; it's not for them
Ten thousand lives the world has gave
For the one choice you now can have
"See there ain't no oth-er side,
I need both hands left and right
No need to prove or fight
I have seen the light
It wouldn't hurt either way
Only lo-sers abstain
I have found my voice, and
I have made my choice"
"See there ain't no oth-er side,
We've got hands left and right
No need to prove or fight
Can't you see the light?
It wouldn't hurt either way
Only lo-sers abstain
Have you found your voice,
Have you made your choice?"
Come on people seize the day
For the top we cannot wait
Our future we can create
Our values the land's built on
'Pon each other we count on
Thanks for today
I can vote my way, yeah!
I can vote my way, yeah!
I can vote my way, yeah!
No more staying still
Let's exercise our will
I can vote my way, yeah!
I can vote my way, yeah!
Just give them the sack
And cla-im my country back
Vote wisely, yeah
Just vote your way ;-)
Vote wisely, yeah
Just vote your way ;-)
This video is for Singaporeans who are wondering if it is worthwhile to vote during GE.
It's karaoke, sing along if you will.
End Apathy Today.
The creator is a concerned citizen with no affiliation to any political party.
Feel free to share this with others for the good of the nation.
Contact the creator twitter.com/sgvoter
Copyright 2011
Results Night - Singapore General Election 2011 from Brian McDairmant on Vimeo.