10 January 2010

Alsou (Алсу)- А У Моей Любви (A U Moey Lubvi)

Alsou Ralifovna Abramova (Tatar Cyrillic: Алсу Рәлиф кызы Абрамова, Latin: Alsu Rälif qızı Abramova, Russian: Алсу́ Рали́фовна Абрамова, née Safina, better known as just Alsou (Алсу́, born on June 27, 1983) is a popular singer from Russia. Alsou was born in Bögelmä, Tatarstan. She competed in the Eurovision Song Contest 2000 in which she came in second place giving her recognition all over Europe as well. Alsou hosted the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 held in Moscow.

extracted from wikipedia

阿爾蘇(塔塔爾語:Alsu Rälif qızı Abramova,俄語:Алсу́ Рали́фовна Абрамова),全名阿麗蘇·熱力甫克孜·阿布拉莫娃,塔塔爾族俄羅斯流行女歌手,1983年6月27日生於塔塔爾斯坦布古利馬。
